Payment Systems

What do I need to do to apply for a credit card?

You can easily apply for a credit card by transferring the monthly income to Ziraat Bank with the approved application form, photocopy of ID and CIPS application for both products. For detailed information, please contact our nearest branch.

ATM retained my money/card while executing a transaction on ATM. How can I get my money/card back?

If you do not receive your card/money within the specified time after the transaction you make at the ATM, or if the ATM confiscates your card/money, you must contact our nearest branch and provide all necessary information.

I don't remember my card's password, what should I do?

If you forget your card password, you have to apply to the nearest ZiraatBank BH dd Branch.

How can I change PIN on my card?

You can change your card's password at ZiraatBank BH dd Branches and ATMs.

How do I choose whether to shop with a credit or debit card?

You will see a special menu for ATM and POS transactions, from which you can easily select which card function you want to perform the transaction with. For this, do not forget to indicate your preference to the store representative at the time of payment.

While I was trying to do my shopping with a debit card, I accidentally made it with my credit card. What should I do?

In the event that your credit card is accidentally charged instead of your debit card, you can instantly pay to your credit card using our mobile banking.

What contactless payment means?

Payment cards issued by ZiraatBank BH dd enable contactless payment on POS devices without the obligation to enter a PIN up to BAM 60.00. In the case when contactless payment is made with a Bankkart card, the transaction will be realized from the credit side of the Bankkart card.

What are the additional secure recomendations for online payments?

1. When making an online payment, check if there are https and padlock symbols in the address field of the online merchant's website. These items are a guarantee of secure encryption in data exchange;
2. Do not share sensitive card information on the internet and social networks;
3. Do not use public computers and open networks when making online payments,
4. Do not share your PIN and CVC2/CVV code (three-digit number on the back of the card) with others;
5. Use the two-factor authentication option, (As an additional level of security, enter an additional OTP code that the bank will send via SMS message after entering the payment details on the secure payment page);
6. Pay only at verified merchants that display Mastercard SecureCode and Mastercard Identity Check symbols in their online store (Guarantee that your data is encrypted and not shared with anyone, not even the merchant)
7. Use strong codes when creating accounts with traders,
8. Before making a purchase, read the reviews and experiences of previous users as a guide to satisfaction in cooperating with a particular seller;
9. If you are planning to purchase a larger value, discuss with our Bank the daily limit and per-transaction limit amounts that may cause your transaction to be disapproved.
10. For your online shopping, prefer to shop more securely by using our Virtual Credit Card, which you can create via our Bank's mobile and E-Bank applications.

How to report lost or stolen card?

In case of loss or theft of the card, it is necessary to immediately contact the card blocking numbers available 24/7: +387 33 252 243/+387 33 252 244

Card activation for online payments?

Activation of the card for online payments can be made via the mobile application or by applying to the nearest ZiraatBank BH dd branch. Instructions for activating the Internet payment service through the mobile application can be found at the link below:


Can I shop in installments with a credit card?

With our credit card, you have the opportunity to pay in interest-free and commission-free installments at the workplaces that our Bank has an agreement with. You can find the list of sales points where you can pay in installments from the link below:


Does your bank offer Mastercard or VISA cards?

ZiraatBank BH dd has an agreement with the Mastercard brand and you can benefit from all the advantages and opportunities that Mastercard will offer.

Is there a fee for withdrawing money from ATMs abroad with ZiraatBank cards? (BiH and abroad)

For detailed information, you can view our Service Tariff list from the link below or apply to the nearest Branch of our Bank.

I would like to receive information about your credit card fees.

For detailed information, you can view our Service Tariff list from the link below or apply to the nearest Branch of our Bank.

What should I do to apply for POS?

To use the POS service of our bank, you must have an open transaction account with our bank. For account opening application and POS terminal application, the nearest ZiraatBank BH d.d. You can contact the branch.

If you can't find a solution on our website, you can contact us.

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