Digital Banking

How can I apply for your mobile banking application?

Step 1 – Sign the mobile banking service contract at our nearest branch.
Step 2 – Download ZiraatBank BH Mobile application from a suitable platform (Google Play/Store/AppGallery/Huawei AppGallery).
Step 3 – Activate the mobile application by entering the authentication passwords that will be sent to you via e-mail and SMS.

You forgot your PIN (ZiraatBank BH Mobile)?

If you forget your PIN code that you have logged into the mobile application, you must contact our support team at
033/955-015 at the Call Center or apply to the nearest ZiraatBank BH branch.

You deactivate your mobile application?

In case of deactivating the mobile application, you must contact our support team at 033/955-015 telephone number specified in the Call Center or apply to the nearest ZiraatBank BH branch.

Blocked your PIN (ZiraatBank BH Mobile)?

If you block your PIN code in the mobile application, you must contact our support team at 033/955-015 at the Call Center or apply to the nearest ZiraatBank BH branch.

Can I and how to change password on mobile banking?

In the mobile application, there is an option to change the PIN in your Account, and you can find more information in the User Instructions on our website. PIN change option allows you to change your PIN password that you defined while activating the service. To change the PIN, you must enter the correct current PIN. If the current PIN is entered incorrectly (after 3 attempts), you will block the mobile banking service. The PIN is changed by entering the correct current PIN and confirming the new PIN. An appropriate message will appear whether changes have been made or not. If the PIN has been successfully changed, you can use your new PIN the next time you log in.

Where can I find more detailed instructions for using app ZiraatBank BH Mobile?

Our mobile application usage instructions are available on our website at the link below:

How can I get a new activation code for Mobile Banking?

If you need new activation codes, you should contact our support team at 033/955-015 at the Call Center or apply to our nearest ZiraatBank BH branch

How can I apply for internet banking ZiraatBank BH E-Bank?

Step 1 – Sign the internet banking service contract at our nearest branch.
Step 2 – Download ZiraatBank BH Mobile mobile application from a suitable platform (Google Play Store/AppGallery/Huawei AppGallery).
Step 3 – Activate mToken with the authentication passwords that will be sent to you via e-mail and SMS.
Step 4 – Log in to the Bank's web page with the credentials created in mToken.

You forgot your PIN (ZiraatBank BH E-Bank)?

If you forget your PIN code that you have logged into mToken, you should contact our support team at 033/955-015 telephone number specified in the Call Center or apply to the nearest ZiraatBank BH branch.

You deactivated mToken?

In case of deactivating mToken, you must contact our support team at 033/955-015 telephone number specified in the Call Center or apply to the nearest ZiraatBank BH branch.

I blocked my PIN code (ZiraatBank BH E-Bank)?

If you block your PIN code in mToken, you must contact our support team at 033/955-015 at the Call Center or apply to the nearest ZiraatBank BH branch.

Can I and how to change password on internet banking?

After logging into mToken, there is an option to change PIN in the Customer Account (on the right corner). You can find more information in the User Instruction on our website. PIN change option allows you to change your PIN password that you defined while activating the service. To change the PIN, you must enter the correct current PIN. If the current PIN is entered incorrectly (after 3 attempts), you will block the mobile banking service. The PIN is changed by entering the correct current PIN and confirming the new PIN. An appropriate message will appear whether changes have been made or not. If the PIN has been successfully changed, you can use your new PIN the next time you log in.

How to log in (ZiraatBank BH E-Bank)?

After logging into mToken (entering the generated PIN), a serial number in the form of Mxxxxxxxx and an OTP that will be valid for 90 minutes will appear on the screen. It is necessary to enter the relevant information on the internet banking login page. After the OTP expires, XXXX XXXX image will appear in the mToken application and a new OTP will be created by pressing the refresh sign. Re-authentication with PIN must be done to generate a new OTP. Login to the Bank's web page with the credentials created in mToken.

I am experiencing technical problems such as not being able to access internet/mobile banking, application error, what should I do?

In case of technical problems with the application, please contact our support team at the numbers 033/955-015 listed in the Call Center.

Where can I find ZiraatBank BH E-Bank usage instructions?

The user manual for internet banking is available on the website.


If you can't find a solution on our website, you can contact us.

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You can contact us.