Cookies Policy

Cookie policy

General information

Small data files that an Internet network server sends to users' devices through the Internet browser used are called cookies, and websites use these cookies to identify users. The lifespan of cookies varies depending on your browser settings.
Although these cookies are created through systems managed by the Bank, some service providers authorized by the Bank may obtain similar IP technologies on users' devices to obtain an IP address, a unique identifier and device identifier information. Also, third party links in the Bank's systems are subject to the privacy policies of those third parties, therefore the responsibility for confidentiality practices which take place on those web sites is not the bank's and in this context it is recommended to read the website's privacy policy when visiting the website via the appropriate link.

Types of cookies
The main purpose of cookies is to make easier use and are basically divided into 4 main groups:
•    Session cookies: These are cookies that allow the use of various options, such as data transfer between websites and system memory of user-entered data, which are necessary for the functions of the bank's website to function properly.
•    Performance cookies: These are cookies that collect information about the frequency of page visits, possible error messages, the total time users spend on a particular page and website usage patterns, and are used to increase the performance of the bank's website.
•    Functional cookies: These are cookies that are reminiscent of pre-selected options to make it easier use for the user and are intended to provide advanced online functions to users within the Bank's website.
•    Marketing cookies and third-party cookies: These are cookies that belong to third-party suppliers and allow the use of certain functions and the tracking of advertisements on the Bank's website.

Purposes of using cookies
The purposes of using cookies used by our bank are as follows:
•    Operational use: Our bank may use cookies that allow the use of functions on the website or detect irregular activities, all with the aim of managing and maintaining its own systems.
•    Use related to functionality: Our bank may use cookies that remind users of their data and previous choices, all with the aim of facilitating the use of its systems and providing user functions specific to the user.
•    Performance-related use: Our bank may use cookies that evaluate and analyze the interaction with sent messages and user behavior, all in order to increase and measure the performance of its systems.
•    Use in advertising: Our bank may use cookies that measure the effectiveness of these ads or analyze the status of clicks on these ads, all in order to transmit ads and similar content through its own or third party systems within the user's interests.

Disabling cookies
The use of cookies is predefined in many browsers and can be selected, and users can change the status of that selection in the browser settings, so they can delete existing cookies and refuse further use of cookies. However, if the use of cookies is canceled, some functions in the Bank's systems may not be used.

The way to change the option to use cookies depends on the type of browser, and information about this can be obtained from the competent service provider at any time.
Information and materials on the website

Information and materials on the website of our bank and copyrights related to their arrangement also belong to our bank. Our Bank reserves the right to all copyrights, registered trademarks, patents, intellectual and other proprietary rights in connection with the information and materials on the website of our Bank, except those belonging to third parties.