Safe Deposit Boxes

Purpose:    The safe deposit box service is intended for the Bank's clients to keep various documents (savings book, insurance policies, wills, contracts), valuables, precious metal, jewelry, philatelic and numismatic collections, various keys, securities, etc.

Users :    Safe deposit boxes can be used by:
                    •    natural persons
                    •    legal entities

The meaning of the term "safe" “:    In banking operations, safes are understood to be steel compartments (cabinets), built into special treasury departments or placed in appropriate safe deposit boxes, intended for leasing to the Bank's clients - natural and legal persons and other interested natural and legal persons, for the purpose of keeping valuables and documents.

Lease duration:    The user leases the Bank's safe deposit box for a certain period, for 6 (six) or 12 (twelve) months. Safe rental location:    In the building of the Directorate of ZiraatBank BH dd, Zmaja od Bosne 47 c, Sarajevo