FX 4 Cash Bank Services

ZiraatBank BH d.d. offers their clients the ability to send and receive transfers in more than 100 different currencies.

It is enough for clients to have an open EUR account at ZiraatBank through which transfers / inflows of the desired currencies will be sent / received in the equivalent of EUR currency.

The money is debited from (in the case of outgoing)  or credited to (in the case of incoming),  the account you have with ZiraatBank BH d.d.  in the relevant currency equivalent at the exchange rate valid at the time of confirmation with the correspondent bank (Deutsche Bank), where the currency exchange is performed.

Option to receive and initiate transfers in various foreign currencies without having a current account in the relevant currency.

With a EUR current account with the Bank, you receive/send the euro equivalent of the initial currency and thereby avoid additional currency conversions.

To take advantage of the option to receive a transfer from another bank in an exotic currency (or its euro equivalent), you have to inform your payer/counterpart that  Ziraat Bank’s correspondent for exotic currencies is Deutsche Bank AG, London (SWIFT/BIC: DEUTGB2L).