Message from the CEO

Dear Clients,

The trust and faith of ZiraatBank BH in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which we see as a shining star of Southeastern Europe, is growing day by day, as is our experience and enthusiasm in the banking sector. The high amount of capital that has been invested in the country in the last two years, the new service points that we have opened and the new jobs that we have provided especially prove our faith and trust that we have in the future of this country and its people.

In accordance with the goals and strategy of Ziraat Bankası, our parent bank, which is the cornerstone of Turkish banking sector, the goal of ZiraatBank BH is to play a leading role in strengthening commercial ties primarily with Turkey and countries in the region and increasing global investments by ensuring the efficient use of our resources, and then offer dynamic, innovative and competitive solutions that exceed the financial needs of each customer group.

With a perspective based on the concepts of economic, social and environmental sustainability, and by applying a financial sustainability model through which we identify business processes and risks, and turn opportunities into value, our Bank creates additional value for the future of all of us in a global sense, and at the national level it works on the contribution to the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and thus to the living standard of its citizens.

We have charted the path we are following using the concept of dynamic teams, digitized processes, a business model oriented towards innovation and development, fast and quality understanding of services, high level of client satisfaction and „sustainability" that all these concepts create together. This concept has become a key concept of our vision of the future, which represents the strength of our credit processes and financial statements, and especially the protection and building of our future.

Our unchanging goal is to be "More than a bank" to you, our valued clients, with the synergy and rich knowledge of Ziraat Financial Group, our efficient technological infrastructure, strong capital, and professional staff who are always with you and will support you indefinitely.

With respect,

Bülent SUER

President of the Management Board