Credit Line of Republic of Turkey

  • Financed by Ziraat Bank Turkey
  • Amount: 100,000,000 EUR
  • Time: 10 years
  • Purpose: to create financial support in agriculture, tourism and other industries pertaining to small and medium size enterprises in order to maximize return of minorities to BIH.

Retail customers:

  • Finansing land purchases, to personel who have returned or will return to their pre-war places of residence, in order to start up agricultural activities.
  • Finansing land purchases for agriculture purposes from other non corporate personel.
  • Finansing current agriculture needs.
  • Finansing agriculture entrepreneurs.
  • Finansing purchases and renovations of real estate of clients pre war residences
  • Finansing tourism
  • Finansing costs of education for personel who have returned or will return to their pre-war places of residence, to improve their life standards.

Corporate customers:

  • Small and medium Enterprises

Industry sektors

  • Agriculture
  • Tourism
  • Independent private businesses
  • Others


  • Business must be privately owned, minimal 50,01% .
  • Business must have a healthy structure and is credible
  • All finansing will be in BAM currency
  • Individual client may apply for each branch of finansing
  • SME clients may apply for both investment and turnover loans

Individual client may apply more than once in the ten year period as long as he/she satisfies the terms of the credit line.

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